Solar Power

You don’t need to hire a professional to plan a solar photovoltaic system for your RV. Using these steps, you can plan the perfect system on your own and calculate how long it will take to pay for itself.

Based on my experience the best solar panels to use for your RV are the Sunforce 60-Watt Solar Charging Kit (More Sunforce Solar Charger Reviews here), the Go Power! 95 Watt Solar Kit (In depth review here) or the HQRP 50W Mono-crystalline Solar Panel (More HQRP solar charger reviews here)

This guide is articulated in sections where each section explains a specific question.
1° Estimate the Total Power You Need
2° Calculate Your Total Power System Size and Cost
3° Get an Estimate on Energy Savings and Payback
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Solar power is one of the ways to power a battery charger. It works better if you have full sunlight but even a small amount will do the trick. A solar panel or a photovoltaic panel as they are known work in a way that transforms sunlight into energy that can be used to power a charger. It works by converting the solar radiation into direct current electricity or DC power.

Photovoltaic panels contain a bunch of tiny little semiconductors that are made out of very brittle materials. That is why solar panels are expensive because they cost a lot not only to make but also to transport. They are brittle and susceptible breaking. There are some photovoltaic panels that are flexible and these are made out of very thin semiconductors.
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12 Volt Solar Battery Chargers are a convenient and lightweight alternative to charge portable applications such as:

  • MP3 player
  • Portable amplifier
  • Sound speakers
  • Cellular phone
  • Digital camera
  • LED lamps
  • Smart Phone / PDA
  • Game Player
  • GPS
  • Razors
  • Gadgets
  • Iphone / Ipod
  • Nintendo DS
  • Etc…

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The Deep Cycle batteries used in cars, RVs or Boats are designed to be discharged and then re-charged hundreds or thousands of times. These batteries are rated in Amp Hours (ah) – usually at 20 hours and 100 hours. Simply stated, amp hours refers to the amount of current – in amps – which can be supplied by the battery over the period of hours.

For example, a 350ah battery could supply 17.5 continuous amps over 20 hours or 35 continuous amps for 10 hours.

To quickly express the total watts potentially available in a 6 volt 360ah battery; 360ah times the nominal 6 volts equals 2160 watts or 2.16kWh (kilowatt-hours). Like solar panels, batteries are wired in series and/or parallel to increase voltage to the desired level and increase amp hours.

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solio solar chargerPhotovoltaic panels are a good source of portable power to use for our devices and gadgets. Latest generations of solar panels are more powerful and employ less time for charging….for a wise investment.

You can use this kind to power or use solar to charge batteries for Ipod, Iphone, Mp3 Players, sometimes a laptop (depending on output of the panel), remote field testing, surveillance, small TV/VCR, video recorders, work lights, RV and Boat batteries.

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How to Monitor Your Solar Powered System

June 14, 2007

The battery is the main component of your power station. Monitoring means knowing the state of charge in your battery. You can choose a voltmeter or use a purpose built monitoring system. Using a 12 volt battery full of charge let’s say … 120 amp/hours. If we measure the voltage of fully charged 12 volt [...]

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The Basics of Solar Power Systems to Produce Electricity

June 14, 2007

Solar Power can work well for most items except large electric appliances (water heater, clothes dryer and electric stove). The basics of solar power: Using solar power to produce electricity is not the same as using solar to produce heat. Solar thermal power is applied to produce hot fluids or air. Photovoltaic power is used [...]

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How to Use Solar Inverters

June 13, 2007

The inverter 12 to 220Volt transforms the battery current to 220V to use in equipment operating at 220 volts.  Ideal for television, computer, mobile phones, etc… , compressors, refrigerators etc. … Most solar energy systems generate DC current which is stored in batteries. Nearly all lighting products, appliances, motors, etc, are designed to use alternating [...]

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