Solar power is continuously gaining momentum and popularity. There are now solar chargers designed to power cell-phones, cars, laptops, etc. The solar charger harnesses energy form the sun and stores the energy within its battery for later use.
Typically, a solar charger can hold on to its charge for up to a year. The advantage to using a solar charger is that it eliminates all of those unnecessary, bulky chargers for every electronic device.
It may be difficult to choose between the best solar chargers because there are a lot of great models out there that basically perform the same functions. Upon being fully charged, the solar charger can fill a cell-phone’s life twice or play up to twenty hours of music.
Solar battery chargers 101
Keep in mind that Your panel will produce 100% full wattage output when placed on direct sunshine
Before buying a portable solar power system, it’s good to answer these questions:
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Finding solar powered mobile phones can be quite challenging depending on where you are. In today’s market very few models arise from the major manufacturers. Samsung recently introduced one and joins the likes of Sharp as the only other manufacturers to have models run from solar power.
Finding these phones can be quite difficult for some. Samsung announced that their solar powered phone, The Crest, would be available in India, Europe and much of Asia in 2009, but not the US. Sharp has recently pushed release of their phone from Japan to China and Europe and has targeted the rest of the globe in the near future. Unfortunately for US consumers Sharp has not released the phone in the country.
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The Etón FR160B Microlink Self-Powered AM/FM/NOAA Weather Radio with Flashlight, Solar Power and Cell Phone Charger offers many features to keep you connected even when there is no power grid in sight. Weighing at 12.8 ounces and measuring 1.8 x 5.2 x 2.5 inches, this radio is ultra-portable, and easily fits in the palm of a hand.
The radio is powered by a rechargeable battery that is easy to charge either by using the hand crank or solar cells, and the device features a USB adapter that can be used to charge a cell phone, mp3 players, blue-tooth headsets, Kindles, i Phones and i Pods. A flashlight utilizes three LEDs, useful for night use.
This radio is ideal for keeping connected while on outdoors adventures, such as camping, hiking, sailing, or biking. Because the radio picks up stations on the FM, AM, and NOAA weather band, it is useful for following the news, listening to a favorite radio station, listening to baseball games, or not missing important public service announcements or alerts. This ability to stay connected without wires also makes it valuable for emergency situations, natural disasters, or power outage.
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Q: Who is this project for?
A: Anyone with a desire to “go green” or that’s looking for a fun project.
Q: Is it easy?
A: Yes. anyone that can solder can complete this project.
Q: What materials will I need?
A: Several solar lamps, some wire cutters, your phone charger, an old record or something similar, a screwdriver, needle nose pliers, and a soldering iron.
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Solar powered cell phone chargers can be a better alternative to electrical cell phone chargers. You have to plug in your cell phone to a home outlet and then you have to wait a long time for your cell phone to be charged.
The charging of your cell phone takes electricity and the electricity costs money. It seems that you need to pay your mobile cell phone service provider for using your cell phone and you also have to pay the electric company for using your cell phone.
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