How to Make a Solar Cell Phone Charger ?

Q: Who is this project for?
A: Anyone with a desire to “go green” or that’s looking for a fun project.

Q: Is it easy?
A: Yes. anyone that can solder can complete this project.

Q: What materials will I need?
A: Several solar lamps, some wire cutters, your phone charger, an old record or something similar, a screwdriver, needle nose pliers, and a soldering iron.

Q: How do I do it?
A: Start by taking apart your solar lamp, the top usually snaps off, and then you have to unscrew the portion with the led and circuit board, unscrew the circuit board, and the light sensor, being careful not to damage any of the wires. use the pliers to cut away excess plastic from around the battery casing, and to remove the on/off switch. you want it intact.

Carefully remove the solar panel. discard the led. repeat with each solar light.
Solder the battery compartments positive to negative, in a chain using some extra wire.
Remove the part of your charger that plugs into your phone, soldering the wires to each end of your solar panel chain. Glue the panels around the record. Charge your phone using the sun!

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Julie June 14, 2019 at 10:06 am

I think these instructions are always helped by having photographs or illustrations. You may think what you’re saying makes sense, but to newbies, not so much.

Venancio Z. Rosales June 14, 2019 at 6:58 pm

We don’t have solar lamps in the Philippines. What is the alternative of solar lamps? Who are the manufactures/distributors of solar lamps?

samer June 20, 2019 at 1:01 am

Hi it looks great idea but for me it is difficult to follow. I think it would be easier if you can upload some photos for the experiment.


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