How a Solar Panel Powers a Charger

Solar power is one of the ways to power a battery charger. It works better if you have full sunlight but even a small amount will do the trick. A solar panel or a photovoltaic panel as they are known work in a way that transforms sunlight into energy that can be used to power a charger. It works by converting the solar radiation into direct current electricity or DC power.

Photovoltaic panels contain a bunch of tiny little semiconductors that are made out of very brittle materials. That is why solar panels are expensive because they cost a lot not only to make but also to transport. They are brittle and susceptible breaking. There are some photovoltaic panels that are flexible and these are made out of very thin semiconductors.

The semiconductors take in the sunlight and through a process called photovoltaic effect transform the suns radiation into energy. Then the energy is all routed to a single wire that is then fed into your cell phone or battery. The energy then charges your battery in anywhere form 2-8 hours depending on the size of your device. Because of a demand for clean energy solar electricity has recently gotten cheaper.

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